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Everyone has to do a cell phone scene. But then, some are much better than others. This one is really good. Fed up with a shitty party and stranded by her boyfriend, Summer is walking through the wild looking pretty wild herself, in a leopard print d... Starring: | |||||
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Summer shows that she hasn't lost the fever for deep sinking as she gives us a strong Sinking About You themed performance and then keeps the fun going after the official part was finished. She looks super hot dressed in a short, tight, polka dot dre... Starring: | |||||
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An experienced hiker, typical to knowing everything about anything when it comes to the great outdoors, finds herself in a quicksand situation. Going by the book of levying off backpack weight, reaching for a branch, back paddling, and using her shir... Starring: | |||||
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Summer is on the run again, this time trudging through a flooded swamp on her way to lonely doom in a bog! After struggling through thigh deep water and other obstacles, it a lush thicket of undergrowth the blocks her view of danger. She leaps over... Starring: | |||||
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Summer puts her athletic body to good use as she experiences wet sand coursing around her legs and hips for the first time. She also sinks quite deep--to just below her breasts. There's not a whole lot more to say. Check out the preview and see wha... Starring: | ||||
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Summer looks like a perfect damsel in a red dress as she explores a deceptive patch of wet sand during a steady rain. Before she realizes it, she is stuck in the quicksand and sinking. There are nice shots of her muscular legs flexing under the stra... Starring: | ||||
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Summer and Sadie, shackled together at the wrists, are on the run in a dangerous swamp. Sadie sees the quicksand. But it's too late to warn Summer, who goes in. And that, of course means that Sadie is destined to follow. It doesn't help that they can... Starring: | |||||
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When Summer was being interviewed by Vice, she summed up her involvement with four words; "I Like to Die." When you combine that with her natural appeal to sinking, you get a heck of a combination. So it comes as no surprise that she absolutely put a... Starring: | |||||
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Jungle Girl Summer is out for a walk when she gets a call for help. Someone is in the quicksand! She arrives on the scene to find only a single hat floating on the surface. She reaches under it but cannot find anyone. She gets a vine and shoves it u... Starring: | |||||
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There are some who might remember the silent Sinking About You scene that Janice Woods did in 2000. It was nice. I'm not sure why it took 20 years to try it again, but we definitely picked the right time. In this captivating segment, Summer appears o... Starring: | |||||
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Summer is out to document how real quicksand is, and has chosen a dangerous bog to prove her point. Everything is real. There are no backdrops. Everything is natural, and dangerous. And sure enough, the bog sucks her down several times. Summer has a... Starring: | |||||
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We usually get the right gals to try the right things, but how we didn't think of Summer sinking about us in deep clay before is a mystery. But this solves it in a very pleasing way! That's because Summer puts her athleticism to good use by slippin... Starring: | |||||
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This past season, we had Summer by herself at Camp mpv. So, we reached deep into out bag of tricks and decided to have her try Bog Dipping. Good choice! Summer loves to sink. And bog dipping means *lots* of sinking. She doesn't go too deep at first.... Starring: | |||||
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Summer, in her first scene of the season, absolutely owns the Sinking About You theme as she lets her voluptuous body sink all the way under the Hammer Swamp multiple times. Her first time is a dandy. The bog was thick and untouched, until the weight... Starring: | |||||
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Sometimes, the title says it all; three ladies stomping on, and sinking into mpvbleck--and then struggling to get out! As usual, Summer powers her way through much of the scene. But even she can be surprised at just how grippy the bleck can be. Poor... Starring: | |||||
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Little Mina has talked cell mates Summer and Nyssa to help her dig up some treasure. But once Mina feels that she doesn't need the muscle anymore, she tries to kill them one at a time in a bog. But just because they were behind bars, it doesn't mean... Starring: | |||||
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Chosen as the new mate for Swamp Thing, Summer is cast into the swamp for conditioning. This is unknown to her though. All she knows is that she has been kidnapped, and left for lost in the wilderness, wearing a wedding dress! After a long and wet s... Starring: | |||||
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You would think that after her incident "working" the peat bog at Camp mpv, that Summer would have learned her lesson. Or maybe she thought that bubbling mud can't be dangerous. In any case, she was very eager to get the bubbles going again. She was... Starring: | |||||
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In a scheme to wear out Summer in a nice deep batch of thickening mpvbleck, we rigged a strong overhead line and a playground swing handle. And sure enough, Summer made several attempts to lift herself out of the clutching bleck. At first, it came in... Starring: | |||||
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Summer rips into a new batch of deep mpvbleck in (very) memorable style. Wearing a tiny "jungle" bikini, she wanders briefly through a swamp and then blunders into a dark morass. She nearly makes an escape but her strength gives out at a crucial mom... Starring: | |||||
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In the first round of a boggy three-peat, Nyssa traverses a marsh before entering a dark and brooding swamp. Once there, she stumbles into a treacherous mire and struggles for her life! Next, Mina is scene making the same trek through the marsh and... Starring: | |||||
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Three gal pals, separated from a larger group of friends--and each other, experience terror in a fog infested woods at night. And that's just from what they hear. All around them, shrieks of terror fill the heavy air as they stumble forward, vainly... Starring: | |||||
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Little Mina wants to make a quicksand video--better than anyone else's. So she gets Summer and Anabelle, two hot fetish models, and brings them to a deep bog. But little does Mina know that Summer and Anabelle are appropriately crazy (a requirement f... Starring: | |||||
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Summer is ready for hiking, decked out in jeans and boots. But she should have brought her phone or a gps. Because in spite of her denials, she is lost. But when she steps into quicksand, it's all she needs to know about where she is! Summer struggl... Starring: | |||||
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How do you get three gals involved in a nice batch of thick mpvbleck at night? Put on some tunes and let them groove to the beat! It's not our usual thing. But the ladies really enjoyed it, and used whatever energy they had towards the end to twerk... Starring: | |||||
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Summer loves to sink. And for her, the more dramatic the sinking the better it is. So when we finally got a chance to let he loose in the Hammer Swamp, there was a lot of anticipation. And Summer delivered in a major way. The Hammer Swamp is big--an... Starring: | |||||
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Turns out, Summer makes a really good antagonist, as she muscles Little Mina up to a patch of quicksand and pushes her in! We wanted to try out the idea of a struggle, right at the edge of deadly quicksand. And this scene delivers just that. Mina tr... Starring: | |||||
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Summer is always up for a sinking and stuck challenge, so it's no surprise that she doesn't hesitate to see how far she can jump into a pit of goo and still be a able to get out. She picks her spots carefully. And sure enough, each time she jumps fu... Starring: | |||||
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So now it's Summer's turn to try to jump into the bog "a little further". She dressed for it, in a tee-shirt, shorts and sneakers. After being disappointed by the depth of the peat, she discovers a much better launching area, and is soon plunging in... Starring: | |||||
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Well, we just had to bring "Push Me!" to the mpvbleck, and Star and Summer did a great job with it. It's hard to tell how these things will go. And honestly, that's half the fun. In this case, both ladies went quite deep on the first shove. And tha... Starring: | |||||
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Ah, how do you even begin to describe this? Summer puts on a show for the ages--but it's really not a show. It's more like a spectacle, because Summer absolutely loses herself in the sensual challenge of the deep, thick mpvbleck. The cameras fade... Starring: | |||||
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Kris (Summer) is a film director who has a chip on her shoulder regarding Terri Harper (Star), the female lead in the film. So Kris takes Ms. Harper to the set of a dramatic quicksand scene and sends her in the bog for a practice run, not telling h... Starring: | |||||
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Summer, looking hot in light safari gear, treats us to eighteen minutes of sinking and stuck and struggling bliss, as she pits her size and strength against the deep and thick and gripping mpvbleck! Over and over again, she allows the bleck to get a... Starring: | |||||
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When it came time to put the ball and chain on Summer, we knew that the peat bog would not have been enough of a challenge. So we took her to the deep clay, and let things play out. She had a good idea when she decided to check the ball onto the edg... Starring: | |||||
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Summer wants to help out around the set, so she's told to go down to one of the peat bogs and loosen it up. She finds the pipe used for that and starts adding water. It's hard work, but after a short time, she starts getting results. She is in the mi... Starring: | |||||
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Well, we have seen Summer get the best of everyone and everything we have ever put her up against, but this time, she met her match. With her hands expertly bound behind her back, she jumps into thick, deep mpvbleck and absolutely can not get out. Sh... Starring: | |||||
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Star is just a whiny bitch. Summer is just a jungle girl. When you add quicksand peril, these two might just not survive the ordeal. This is a brief and very funny and very dark tale. The mpvbleck pit and the viewer both score. Hang on, it's a crazy... Starring: | |||||
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Megan (Kendra) has discovered that Kayla (Summer) has been cheating on her. Well, Megan doesn't take kindly to such things, and also takes no prisoners... So, she has a plan laid out for Kayla and sets it into motion. Will Kayla survive? Or will... Starring: | |||||
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Ever thought about seeing a feisty Italian babe get completely psychotic and drag an athletic blonde amazon into a bottomless bog? Ok, maybe not. But that's what we have here. And both ladies are absolute perfection! Annabelle is so hyped up, she... Starring: | |||||
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What happens when her friends slip Summer some Ecstasy the day she plans to secretly sink for the first time? this. Summer is a loner. So her friends decide to spice things up for her and get her to meet some guys. But she slips away, puts on her... Starring: | |||||
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Summer, dressed nicely in white, may be innocent, but she is lost in the deep woods. And lurking in the deep woods can be some really strange things, such as gooey, sticky death traps! Summer actually sees one before stepping in, but makes the mist... Starring: | |||||
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Miss Moffet (Summer) is dressed in a pretty pleated dress and looks innocently sexy as she strolls down a country lane. But fate directs her to a patch of deadly quicksand! She steps in and sinks quickly to her thighs. Stuck fast, she begins to sl... Starring: | |||||
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Annabelle leads Summer to the deep mpvbleck for some sinking fun in this provocative and sticky sinking scene! The sink together with their clothes on at first, and realize quickly how much more difficult it is to escape the bleck that way. But the... Starring: | |||||
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Summer is thrown into a peat pit and forced to try to crawl across the surface. She starts out ok, but then starts to sink. But she tries to reach a log that crosses the pit, and is able to reach it--barely. She uses her strength to climb up on top o... Starring: | |||||
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Summer isn't the first lady to "enjoy" the smooth grip of mpvbleck, but she may be the one that's easiest to remember. And that's because the sight of her shapely and toned body settling into the mire, and then struggling against it is spectacular!... Starring: | |||||
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In this visually outrageous scene, Annabelle is placed in a large dog cage and lowered into the Hollywood Quicksand pit. She disappears from view, but manages to re-appear--or at least her head. That's because she can't get out of the quicksand. So... Starring: | |||||
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The much anticipated Summer scene is here, and it doesn't disappoint! Summer is a natural with the dramatic scenes, and here she brings her physical and vocal struggling to the deep clay in the woods. She's there for a mud bath, and isn't sure she's... Starring: | |||||
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Saraliz and Summer have a bad habit of playing a very dangerous game--of life and death! Summer comes home to find that Saraliz has once again decided to play with fate, trusting her companion to arrive home in time, read the note, and come to her r... Starring: | |||||
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Summer look absolutely stunning as she once again punches the "Fantasy Quicksand" button and steps into our dark fantasies! Her outfit is right out of a time capsule. It's easy to imagine her image painted om the nose of a B-17. But it's "bombs aw... Starring: | |||||
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Sometimes it's the simple things that give the most pleasure. In this case, we thought it would be nice to have Summer pumping her legs up and down in the swirling sand of the Camp mpv quicksand pit, and she obliged us in style! The cameras did a re... Starring: | |||||