Naomi should have known better than to try to take a relaxing bubble bath in the house of mess. I sneak attack her with industrial savory! IT was hilarious! She is nude and I keep coming in to check up on her and make sure shes comfortable to the point where she gets annoyed. Okay bitch. Lets get annoyed! I come in while she has laid back and closed her eyes to relax and dump a giant can of nacho cheese over her face and tits! mwahahaha! Her reactions are so natural and SO funny. kinda reminds me of the video with Scarlett we did a few years back with industrial savory. She was just like "I knew it, i knew I couldnt be here without Jayce and her shenanigans" she thinks its over...
but no. Of course I have more mess! all industrial sized... of course

it just becomes a frenzy of me coming in, maybe a giant tub of bbq sauce after she thinks its over... and I skip away and shes calling me names and to the point of laughter bc she is so grossed out and over it! She is over me messing her up... but alas, every time she goes to clean up? I come back in with more... happily running and or skipping away hoping she wont jump out the tub and come chase me! I used 3 cans of nacho cheese
one nacho chip i dipped into the cheese on her head and tried to make her eat it
bbq sauce
ketchup pies whipped cream sprayed all over her! oh and she had a nice clean bubble bath but i messed that up. This one is one you will wanna see. The reactions are brilliant because they are very, very real and really funny and naomis body is gorgeous. Lots of close up shots of her nude body messy and not messy

She is a sexy momma! to book customs with naomi? message me at jaycelane0611